Pneumatic Hexapod omni-directional

After making Quad242 with its really big feet, I decided to try a six legged walker based on the Quad242 circuit. I have seen many hexapods in the past, including a pneumatic hexapod. All of the hexapods I was aware of had rectangular bodies. I decided that I wanted to make a hexapod with a hexagonal body.
I started with a body based on straight liftarms and Technic Liftarm Rotor 3 Blades. Two of the three arms on the liftarm connect the body together. The third arm is used to hinge the hip's horizontal movement.
Hex363's six legs are borken up into two groups of three. Three legs in a group form a triangle. The triangle provides a stable footprint in which to stand. The feet of Hex363 are very small, because the triangle they form easily contains the center of gravity. This is in stark contrast to Quad242'svery large feet.
To make sense of this you might want to review my pneumatic sequencers page.
I've also roughed out an Ldraw File of hex363. It does not contain the pneumatic hookups, as that would have taken a very long time. The follow-on to this will be CAD-ed and will contain the pneumatic hookups, as well as a circuit schematic.